
Lectures by Melanie Urban

In today’s world, knowledge of history and cultures around the globe offers new perspectives. My goal is to enlighten my audiences about Asia, both the new and the old, and to further an understanding of the interconnections between the Western world and the Eastern. These connections extend far into the past, at least 4,000 years ago, generated by trade and the spread of new ideas and technologies.

Each lecture can be customized to the needs of the client and the audience. I offer in-depth studies that might include, for example, the art of a particular time and place or the spread of a particular belief system from one place to another. Or I can fashion a big picture overview of a civilization, such as the spread of the Islamic empire and its consequences; or the Mongols’ conquest of much of Asia and the aftermath; or how and why Europeans went to Asia in the 16th century. Many more examples are highlighted on the various webpages that connect to the broad topics identified to the right.

In practical terms, each presentation includes

- A Power Point slide show, featuring pictures of the region as well as the art objects illustrative of the topics under discussion

- A scholarly discussion of the topic presented, a product of study and research informed by travel

- At a convenient venue for the client and audience, to be agreed upon

- For a one- or two-hour talk, or a series extending over a longer period

Click on the Asia Culture arrow at the top of the header to go to any of the following pages:

  • Art and Faith
  • China
  • Crusades and the military orders
  • Europeans in Asia
  • India
  • Islamic world
  • Japan
  • Persia
  • Silk Road
  • Southeast Asia
  • More about Melanie Urban